At the start of your reservation, the “open car” option becomes available on the App’s home screen.
Push the “open car” button when you are next to the car. After a brief moment, the car will be unlocked using your mobile data.
Be seated and follow the start procedure as explained on the onboard computer.
Note: As soon as you unlock the car, another function becomes available in the app, i.e., “Close door”. NEVER use this function when you are on the road. If you were to do this, your reservation will be canceled. During your ride, only use the key to lock the vehicle.

Have you made your way to the station? Check to see if all doors, windows and the boot are completely closed. Place the key back in the compartment with the onboard computer and confirm the end of your reservation.
Open the app and click on the “close car” option on the home screen. The car will be locked using your mobile data. Afterwards, check if the doors are completely locked.
Note: During your reservation, only close the car using the key, not the App.

Having trouble?
If you are at a location with limited coverage, such as an underground parking lot or your smartphone battery has been depleted; you can still use your cambio- or MOBIB-card to open and close the car. Simply hold up your card to the card reader located at the windshield.
No luck opening or closing the car? Contact the reservation centre.