Call center
Only for reservations or in case of problems during your trip. Available 24/7.
Cambio Vlaanderen - Client service - private members
For all your questions regarding your subscription, invoices, tariffs and other administrative matters

Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 65b 
9000 Gent
+32 9 242 32 17

For all questions and information, we are happy to help you by phone or e-mail.
Available by phone
from Mon - Fri: 9am - 12:30pm and 13:30pm - 17:30pm

Opening hours office Gent for collecting or returning lost objects:
From Monday to Friday, in the afternoon from 13:30pm untill 17pm. 

Bankaccount: IBAN BE76 7370 1237 2795 
VAT: BE 0866.198.122

Cambio Vlaanderen - Client service business users
All information for companies and organizations

Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 65B 
9000 Gent
+32 9 242 32 68

Available by phone from Mon - Fri: 9am - 12:30pm and 13:30pm - 17:30pm