Driving electric with cambio

Electric driving is a real sensation: ecofriendly, quiet and relaxed. 

E-cambio... makes driving electric really easy. 

I'm convinced

It's time for a smart and carefree mobility solution? Subscribe today!

Sustainable on the road with e-cambio

Are you a fan of driving electric? If so, we've got some good news, because more and more electric cars are being added to our fleet. Don't you have any experience yet with driving electric, but you're very curious?  We can only recommend it, because driving electric is a real sensation. It's eco-friendly, quiet and relaxed.  

We ensure that the car is sufficiently charged at the start of your journey. Perfect for short and medium distances. Do you want to cover a long distance with e-cambio? No problem. You juist have to plan to recharge in time so you can get to your final destination (and back) without any worries. You charge  with the charging pass of the car and we pay. Together we can go for more sustainability.

So, you fancy a ride with one of our 100% electric e-cambio's? You should book one for your next ride using the cambioApp. 

Driving electric without any worries

Driving electric has a lot of advantages. It's fun, relaxed and eco-friendly; driving without any worries... 

0,0g emissions
longer distances
cost saving

Kian prefers an e-cambio

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"Onze boodschappen doen we vooral op de markt of lokaal, we vinden duurzaamheid belangrijk. Cambio past perfect bij onze manier van leven."

Kian uit Gent, 37 jaar


Before you hit the road with an electric cambio, you have to disconnect the charging cable. When you return to the station you have to reconnect the car to the charging station for the next user. Check the video below to see how it works.

You can always check the onboard book to find out how the car starts, how you can drive, or how to charge. 

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At departure

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  1. Scan the charging pass at the charging station. 
  2. Disconnect the charging cable from the charging station. 
  3. Disconnect the charging cable from the car.
  4. Store the charging cable in the trunk of the car.

Back at the station

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  1. Take the charging cable out of the trunk of the car.
  2. Connect the charging cable to the charging station.
  3. Connect the charging cable to the car. 
  4. Start a new charging session at the charging station with the charging pass.
  5. Check if the car is charging and put the charge pass back in the door of the car. Then you can lock the car. 

Charging stations

What if you're on the road and you need to charge intermediate? No problem! Here's a map where you can find all charging stations. You charge, we pay. 

(source: https://maps.eco-movement.com/?brand=vlaanderen)

Frequently asked questions about e-cambio

How do I book an e-cambio?

You may make a reservation 24/7. Last minute or way ahead of time, whatever suits your needs. Cambio will have a car where you want, whenever you want.

  1. Using the app

    Our cambioApp (Apple of Android)  is a very useful tool to quickly make and change your reservations. Did you make a reservation in a city you have never been to? Our app will show you the way. Don’t forget to opt in on ‘zone cars’, it’ll broaden your options even further in select cities.
  2. Using the website

    Log in on cambio.be using your personal username and password to access your cambio portal. This is the place to manage your whole cambio experience: you may make reservations, consult your reservation archive, change your contact information, … Simple as that!
  3. By phone

    No internet at your disposal? Our reservation centre is available 24/7 via the number +32 2 505 40 40. We’ll check if your desired vehicle is available. If not, we’ll find you an alternative.

    Please keep the following information on hand:
  • The region where you're a member: Flanders, Brussels or Wallonia
  • Your client number
  • The desired time of your reservation
  • Your desired station and vehicle class

    Attention: when making or changing a reservation via our reservation centre, a small fee of €1 is billed. 
I reserved an e-cambio. Will the car have enough charge?

Yes, that’s why we introduced the range when reserving your e-cambio. If you drive no more than the maximum number of kilometers you have announced, the car will always be sufficiently charged. If you drive more, you will need to charge during the trip. 

What is the range? Am I allowed to drive more kilometers?

When reserving an e-cambio you have to provide your estimated amount of kilometers or estimated range before being able to click ‘reserve’. We ask for the ‘estimated amount of kilometers’ when making a reservation, because we want to assure you the battery is sufficiently charged to be able to finish your trip. If you can estimate this correctly, you will never face an issue.

Driving more kilometers during your trip is absolutely no problem, of course. We just ask that you perform a charge along the way. This can be done with the charging pass in the car, at every public charging point. Absolutely free, of course.  For example, if you estimate your trip being 50km but you end up driving 100km during your reservation, you need to recharge. Our guideline is: for every 25km you drive, you need to add 10% worth of charge. This way you don’t inconvenience the next user.

With this handy tool you can when exactly you need to charge during longer drives: (https://abetterrouteplanner.com/ ). Enjoy e-cambio!

What do I need to pay attention to when picking up the car?

Kijk altijd even na of er geen nieuwe schade is aan de wagen, volg de stappen in het boordboek mocht dit toch het geval zijn. Voorts instappen, aan onze fair play regels denken en rijden maar!

In sommige steden voorzien we parkeerbeugels. Zet deze op voor je wegrijdt, dan ben je zeker van jouw eigen parkeerplek.

What do I do with the carging cable when I leave?

Store the carging cable always in de trunk of the car before leaving. That makes it easy at your return to start a new charging session.  

If the car is not connected at the start of your reservation, please check if the cable is in the trunk. If not, it is mandatory to call the callcenter/reservation desk. If a charging cable is missing and you do not warn the reservation desk before starting your reservation, you will be held responsible for the replacement cost (275€).

How do I charge an electric car?

Our electric cars charge while they’re not in use. At the time of your reservation we ask for the estimated distance you wish to drive, so that our system can calculate how long the car needs to charge. This means you needn’t charge the vehicle during your reservation.

It is important to securely connect the car to the charging station using the charging cable upon your return.

Our instructional video will guide you through the necessary steps:

  • Take the charge pass provided in the car
  • Take the charging cable from the boot (in case a fixed cable is not provided)
  • Scan the charging pass at the charging station to start the charging session.
  • Connect the charging cable to the charging station.
  • Open the socket flap and connect the charging cable.
  • Verify if the car is actually charging.
  • Put the charging pass back in the door of the car.
How do I open the charging compartment of the car?

Renault ZOE

With this model you have two options:

  •         There is a button on the key depicting a ‘plug’. By pressing it you either disconnect the plug from the car or you open the cap covering the power socket.

  •         To the left of the steering wheel is a button with the same functionality.

Nissan Leaf & Evalia

To the left of the steering wheel you can find a button with a fuel-pump-with-a-plug icon. This unlocks the compartment to reach the car’s contact point.

Where can I charge my e-cambio?

You can charge the e-cambio at the provided spot at the station. You can find spots to charge during the drive here. You can pay using the charging pass that you can find in the car.

With the Peugeot e-208 you can also charge at a fast charger on your road.

Moet ik betalen om mijn wagen op te laden als ik niet op de standplaats sta?

Nee, natuurlijk niet! Elke e-cambio is voorzien van een laadpas, waarmee je op alle publieke laadstations terecht kan om bij te laden. Een kaart met de specifieke locaties vind je hier

Where can I find the charging badge?

You need the charging badge to log off the charging session when you leave, and to start the charging session at the end of your reservation. You will always find the car's charging badge in the driver's door. It must always remain in the car, so don't forget to put it back after charging.

Hoe gebruik ik de ECO-knop?

De ECO-modus is een functie die de actieradius van de auto optimaliseert, maar impact heeft op snelheid, versnelling, verwarming, enzovoort. Als eco-modus is ingeschakeld kleurt het onderste van het dashboard groen. Je (des-)activeert eco-modus met de ECO-knop naast de selectiehendel.

Can I go abroad with an electric cambio?

With e-cambio vehicles in Flanders, you can drive abroad. This is different for e-cambio vehicles in Brussels, which may only be used in Belgium, with a maximum of 150 km per reservation. Always check the vehicle's region of origin before planning an international trip.

You can find the list of which countries you are allowed to travel to with an e-cambio from Flanders here.
Please not: the charging pass only works within Europe.

The e-cambio won’t start. It says ‘check connection’ What now?

You haven’t disconnected the charging cable yet, that’s why the car can’t start yet. End the charging session by logging out of the session with the charging card (which you can find in the door of the car), disconnect the cable and put it in the boot. Now you can start. 

Mijn e-cambio laadt niet op na mijn rit. Waarop moet ik extra letten bij het opladen?
  • Staat de wagen effectief uit?
  • Heb je alle stappen correct uitgevoerd? Overloop alle stappen opnieuw als je twijfelt. 
    • Zit de laadkabel voldoende diep in het stopcontact, zowel in de wagen als in de laadpaal?
      Let op: soms klikt de laadkabel vast zonder dat hij volledig in de plug zit. Ontgrendel de laadkabel opnieuw en steek de kabel nu helemaal in de wagen. 
    • Heb je de laadsessie geactiveerd met de laadpas?

Op het dashboard en/of de laadpaal zie je of de wagen goed aan het laden is: op het dashboard verschijnt de melding dat de wagen aan het laden is. De laadpaal moet blauw oplichten. Controleer dit zeker vooraleer je de wagen afsluit.

  • Is de laadpaal defect? Neem dan contact op met de laadpaalbeheerder. Zij kunnen de laadpaal vaak resetten vanop afstand, waardoor het erna wel lukt om te laden.

Lukt het uiteindelijk toch niet om de wagen te laden? Neem dan contact op met het callcenter. 

Kan ik een e-cambio thuis opladen?

Neen, er is geen kabel voorzien die in een gewoon stopcontact aangesloten kan worden.

Kan ik stilvallen met een elektrische cambio?

Als je niet meer rijdt dan de radius dat je hebt doorgegeven, dan hoef je hiervoor alvast geen schrik voor te hebben. Als je meer kilometers wil rijden, dan moet je wel plannen om onderweg eens bij te laden. 

Er staat een andere wagen op mijn e-cambio laadplaats. Wat moet ik nu doen?

Parkeer je reglementair zo dicht mogelijk bij de standplaats (niet op een cambio-parkeerplek voor conventionele wagens) en verwittig het callcenter voordat je de wagen verlaat.

Find out about cambio in your neighbourhood

With cambio, you have access to more than 2,900 cars in nearly 150 cities. A cosy little car? A comfortable car for 4 or more luxury for 7? Our cars are waiting for you 24/7.

Our electric cars

Choose the best car... depending on your destination. 

Our cars are subdivided in different price classes (S, M and L). Not every car type is available in each city. Click on the car to get more details. 

Class S - standard city car

Class M - more space

Renault Kangoo ZE

Renault Kangoo Cargo ZE

Nissan E NV-200 Evalia

Class L - more comfort

Not a cambio-user yet?

  1. Subscribe online and recieve your cambio card at home. 
  2. Download the app and book your first trip via the app, web or phone. 
  3. Pick up your car at the station and return it in time. 
  4. Pay your invoice monthly, per km and per hour.