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Cambio carsharing | Wallonia
My car wherever whenever
How does it work?
How much does it cost?
Our cars
- Any -
Good to know
E-Cargo Bike
Login cambioApp/Mycambio
Schade en verzekeringen
I want to register, how does it work?
After logging in on mycambio I am asked to allow a cookie, what is that?
Am I eligible for a discount??
Are cambio cars well equiped? Are there options?
Can I book a car in a different city or region?
Can I change my tariff?
Can I contact customer service through the App?
Can I extend, shorten or cancel a reservation?
Can I extend, shorten or cancel a reservation?
Can I get a 100% app car if I don't have the cambioApp?
Can I go abroad with an electric cambio?
Can I open all cars with the cambio App?
Can I park in a garage with license plate recognition?
Can I quit cambio carsharing at any given time?
Can I reserve a car for a trip abroad?
Can I reserve a car in another city or region?
Can I reserve a vehicle for a longer period of time?
Can I return the car at a different location?
Can I temporarily pause my membership?
Can I use the cambio card for 100% App cars?
Can my partner or anyone else drive the cambio vehicle?
Cost overview
Departure with a cambio vehicle
Digital invoice
Discounts and benefits for cambio members
Do I always have to state an end time?
Do I have to pay a deposit?
Do I have to pay for the fuel myself?
Do I have to pick up the car on the spot?
Do I receive a reservation confirmation?
For how long can you make a reservation?
Help, I don't remember my password or the answer to my security question. What now?
How are the kilometer rates calculated?
How can I change my username ?
How can I customize my app settings?
How can I edit or cancel my reservation in the cambioApp?
How can I estimate the price of a future reservation in the cambioApp?
How can I rate the cleanliness of the car?
How can I refuel?
How can I see in the cambioApp which cars are available right now?
How can you find the station for the e-cargo bike?
How do I book an e-cambio?
How do I change my bank account number ?
How do I change my password or security question?
How do I charge an electric car?
How do I charge an electric car?
How do I collect the e-cargo bike?
How do I find my reserved cambio car through the cambioApp?
How do I know which car to take?
How do I make a reservation?
How do I open the charging compartment of the car?
How do I sign up my employees ?
How do you reserve an e-cargo bike?
How does cambio carsharing work?
How long beforehand do I need to reserve a cambio car?
How much can I drive?
How should I check a car for damage?
How to buy cambio credits ?
How to install the cambioApp?
How to make a new reservation in the cambioApp?
I cannot log in to Mycambio. What can I do?
I don't have a login (username and password) yet. What now?
I find a very dirty car
I forgot my password. What now?
I made the car dirty, what now?
I need to enter a verification code. Where can I find it?
I received a six-digit code by text message. What should I do with this?
I reserved a 100% App car, how does that work?
I reserved an e-cambio. Will the car have enough charge?
I signed up, what’s next?
In what way is the car insured?
Is carsharing a good solution for me?
My employer has invited me. What’s next?
My user limit has been reached. What happens next?
On the road with the e-cargo bike
Onboard book
Oops, I forgot my pincode
Opening and closing the car with the cambioApp
Parking barriers
Parking rules for cambio cars
Puis-je contacter le call center via l'App ?
Returning the e-cargo bike
The Bruxell'Air Bonus
The e-cambio won’t start. It says ‘check connection’ What now?
The partner account
Wat are the Fair Play Rules?
Wat is a recurrent ABO reservations ?
Wat is the financial contribution ?
What are cambio credits?
What are the rules and agreements?
What do I do if my cambio parking space is taken?
What do I do with the carging cable when I leave?
What do I need to pay attention to when picking up the car?
What if I return the car too late?
What if I want to stop my contract?
What if my car breaks down?
What is a Safety Pack?
What is a zone-car?
What is the difference between ‘price class’ and ‘vehicle class’
What is the difference between ‘price class’ and ‘vehicle class’?
What is the range? Am I allowed to drive more kilometers?
What should I do if my smartphone/cambioApp does not work?
What to do in case of a parking ban?
What to do in case of an accident?
What’s the difference between carsharing and car rental?
Where can I charge my e-cambio?
Where can I download the cambio App?
Where can I find an overview of my future reservations?
Where can I find the charging badge?
Where do I find the car key and fuel card in a 100% App car?
Where do I find the keys of the car?
Where is the handbrake in a Nissan Leaf?
Which cars does cambio offer?
Which driving licence does cambio accept?
Who is the main user?
Will a car always be available to me?
Will a vehicle be available anytime I need one?
Your reservation confirmation